Featuring the Disappointment Report with Richard and Nell Crunch, and a shocking expose on the plight of Latino baggage handlers at LAX from our domestic/foreign correspondent Trevor Rodriguez.

The Stedsons family listening for the 375th time today's FraudKast

The Stedsons family listening for the 375th time today's FraudKast

The best episode yet? You be the judge. (hint: Yes!)

FraudKast reaching to other species

Little kitty is pleased with FraudKast


The Robinsons, always together, never miss a show

The Robinsons, always together, never miss the show

Maurie Cronsom tunes to the first FraudKast show

Maurie Crinsom tuning onto the first FraudKast

The revolution will not be televised.

But it will be blog-i-vised.

Good rates still available.

Good rates still available.

The FraudKast.

The webernet’s first 100% improvised public radio parody podcast.


This is the blog portion of our show.

From here we blog to you: the internets.

You will see or rather hear the audio portion of the show by clicking a link to be posted shortly, shawty.

We hope you enjoy our audio blog and its delicious content.  If you do.  Then let us know.  Otherwise, we won’t know.  And knowing is better then not-knowing.  You know?

Who knows.  All we know is you better get ready for Episode #1.  dropping…….now-ish.